Red Breasted Parakeet bird species first time reported in Haryana in KU premises

Red Breasted Parakeet bird species first time reported in Haryana in KU premises

Haryana Editor – Vaidy Pandit Parmod Kaushik
Ph – 9416191877

Kurukshetra, 5 December : The lush green campus of Kurukshetra University itself is full of bird biodiversity. On November 23, 2023, Aruna Yadav, a researcher in the Department of Zoology, recorded an near threatened species of Red Breasted Parakeet bird in the Kurukshetra University Campus, which has never been reported before in the state of Haryana. Finding such a rare bird species reflects the healthy ecosystem of the university campus. On the occasion of first time spotting in KU premises, Kurukshetra University Vice Chancellor Prof. Som Nath Sachdeva congratulated researcher Aruna Yadav and her research supervisor Dr. Deepak Rai Babbar.
Researcher Aruna Yadav said that on December 4, 2023, the Red Breasted Parakeet bird was also seen and its nest was also identified. After discussing with the present literature and experts, it has come to light that earlier this bird was not seen in the entire area of Haryana state. Researcher Aruna Yadav is doing her research work on the diversity of birds under the guidance of Dr. Deepak Rai Babbar in the Zoology Department of KU. ARYNA Yadav said that a complete survey on this bird will be conducted and its findings will be published.
On the first time reporting of Red Breasted Parakeet, a near threatened species of bird, Dr. Deepak Rai Babbar, Chairman of the Zoology Department and supervisor of Aruna Yadav, said that it is a very pleasant thing to have such a rare bird species reported in Haryana and in the University campus. Birds of this species are not migratory birds but live in a stable geographical area. In this way, the finding of this bird in Haryana shows the increase in its geographical area range or it could also be an example of a feral bird. More surveys are needed to reach conclusions and further nesting and data of presence of this bird will be recorded. He told that Red Breasted Parakeet female bird is the only bird found in KU premises.

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